Carnegie Mellon University

Your Campus Resources

Your Department

Registration issues/stipends (and pay advances), academic and research assistance.

Office of International Education (Cyert Hall, Suite 101)

I-20/DS-2019 signatures, immigration questions, international travel visa issues, cultural adjustment issues, employment issues, and trouble-shooting for other problems not handled elsewhere.
Tel: 412-268-5231
Fax: 412-268-5231
The HUB/Enrollment Services (Ground floor, Warner Hall)

Enrollment verification letters, change of student ID number, name, or address (online), ID cards, transcripts, correction of enrollment errors, bill payment (if not by mail), sponsor billing, and financial aid & loan services.
Tel: 412.268.8186
Housing Office (Residence on Fifth)

Listings for off-campus housing/other renting resources.
Tel: 412-268-2139

Student Academic Success Center - SASC - (1st Floor, Posner Hall)

Language support services, writing clinic, tutoring, workshops, placement interviews, and International TA testing.
Tel: 412-268-6823
University Health Services (Morewood Gardens, E Tower)

Basic health care, immunizations, health insurance information, and medical history information.
Tel: 412-268-2157
CMU Police Department (24 hrs) - (4551 Filmore Street)

24-hour police services, report crimes and emergencies, crime prevention and safety education and resources.
For emergencies or to report a crime: 412-268-2323

Postal Services (lower level, University Center)

Stamps, mail services, on-campus mail boxes (SMC).
Tel: 412-268-2927
Office of Human Resources (4516 Henry St. near Forbes & Craig Streets)

For students with on-campus employment: tax & I-9 (eligibility to work) forms, and information on tax withholding. Note: Accessing information requires andrew ID.

Tel: 412-268-2097
Computing Services (Cyert Hall)

E-mail account problems, computing issues, and computer lab issues.
Tel: 412-268-4357 (HELP)
Tartan Ink copy and print center (Lower Level, UC)

Photocopying and faxing service, printing services, passport photos, shipping.

Tel: 412-268-4828
Transportation Services (East Campus Garage, by Forbes Ave. entrance)

Shuttles and mass transit, evening escort service, car-sharing, parking, personal wheeled vehicles.
Tel: 412-268-2052

University Stores (University Center)

Art and school supplies, Carnegie Mellon University clothing and gifts, computers and technology, textbooks and course materials.

Email us
Tel: 412-268-1032