Carnegie Mellon University

Report Change of Status from F-1 to H-1B

If you have changed your status from F-1 to H-1B, you must provide specific documentation to OIE by submitting the "Change of Status from F-1 (OPT/STEM OPT)" e-Form on the MyOIE portal.

If you were approved for H-1B as a change of status, please provide scanned copies of the following:
  • H-1B Approval Notice (I-797A)
  • STEM OPT final Evaluation, found on Page 5 of the I-983 (for students on the 24-month STEM OPT only)
If you were approved for H-1B by consular processing, please provide scanned copies of the following:
  • H-1B Approval Notice (I-797B)
  • EAD card
  • Most recent I-94 reflecting your entry as H-1B
  • STEM OPT Final Evaluation, found on Page 5 of the I-983 (for students on the 24-month STEM OPT only)

These materials are due within 10 days of your H-1B status start date and must be submitted in the MyOIE portal. You can find the e-Form "Change of Status from F-1 (OPT/STEM OPT) located under the "biographical information section" after you have logged into the limited services section of the portal. 

Please note that your reporting requirements to OIE remain until the start of your H-1B status. After that date, you no longer need to submit any updates to OIE, but be sure to keep all immigration documents (I-20s, EAD cards, etc). Example: If your status changed to H-1B on October 1, then your reporting requirements to OIE for F-1 status remained through September 30.