Carnegie Mellon University

We welcome you to visit our institutional Factbook to gain a better understanding of our CMU population regarding diversity through enrollment, undergraduate admission, and graduation rates.

Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion

Visit our Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion to learn more on how your organization may find ways to partner with our diversity initiatives. 

About our Resources

At CMU we value each individual and acknowledge intersectionality across the various dimensions of identity — who a student is and how they define themselves. We recognize that the content shared below is not exhaustive, and that resources on identity are continually evolving.

If you would like to share comments or suggest new resources to help improve this page, please email:


Dis/ability & Neurodiversity

The Career and Professional Development Center is committed to connecting employers to students with diverse abilities and disabilities, both visible and non-visable, to improve hiring outcomes and organizational diversity. Below you will find resources related to this population.

Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
Olitsky Career Readiness Program
CMU Disability Resources
Thriving Campus

Americans with Disabilities Act
Disability Rights Legal Center
Disability Rights PA
Job Accommodation Network
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (PA)


To help students feel comfortable with potentially disclosing a disability or challenge, you could ask every candidate the following interview question: “What type of work environment or tools/resources help you perform best?”.

During the recruitment process, be sure to showcase your internal initiatives and resource groups, such as Autism @ Work Programs, Disability Resource Groups, and so forth.



Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
CMQ+-Graduate Students
Out & Allied-Tepper School of Business
oSTEM-Science, Technology & Mathematics
PRISM-General Audience
cmuOUT-Alumni Network



Carnegie Mellon-Students/Alumni Organizations
Smart Woman Securities (SWS)
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Strong Women Strong Girls (SWSG)
Women in Biomedical Engineering
Women in Business (WIB)
Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WinECE)
Women in MechE
Women in Science

Fun Facts

The TOC, (now the TOC + Encompass + Converge Virtual Career Fair), has historically been run by the Society of Women Engineers, a student organization on campus, and is supported by the College of Engineering. 

Carnegie Mellon is a proud partner with the Forte Foundation for the Career Ready Certificate, a free online career accelerator for undergraduate women of all majors at 45+ Forté partner schools.

As of Fall 2019, 50% of the undergraduates enrolled at Carnegie Mellon are female. 


Race & Ethnicity

Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
Black Latino Business Association 
Black Graduate Student Organization
Young African Leaders Association
Carnegie Mellon Black Alumni Association
National Society of Black Engineers-(NSBE)



Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
Asian Students Association
Taiwanese Students Association
Hong Kong Students Association
Chinese Students Association
Filipino Students Association
South Asian Student Association
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers

On-Campus Resources & Student Orgs
Spanish and Latina Student Association (SALSA)
CMU Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Latino/a Graduate Student Association-(LGSA)



Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion


International & DACA Students

With approximately 40% of students at Carnegie Mellon coming from outside of the US, we understand that many students who choose to study in the US will choose to seek jobs in the US upon graduation. International students bring a unique global perspective to complex issues, making them ideal assets to employers. They are adaptable, ready to take on challenges, are often multilingual, and possess multicultural skills that will help them excel in diverse workplaces.

International Students

Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
International Student Union
Office of International Education
Global Communication Center
Intercultural Communication Center
US-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association

Pittsburgh-based Resource

Hiring international students is easy and not much different than hiring domestic students

  • Curricular Practical Training
    Students on an F-1 visa who have completed at least one full academic year at their institution qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). CPT employment is a paid internship that is directly related to the student's major field of study and provides training that will allow the student to apply concepts learned in their degree program in a practical setting. (GPA and degree program requirement)
  • Optional Practical Training
    Students on an F-1 visa who have completed at least one full academic year at their institution also qualify for Optional Practical Training (OPT). OPT employment is a job that provides relevant work experience in the student's major field of study and reinforces what they may have learned in their degree program. (GPA and degree program requirement)

    Learn more about Hiring International Students here!

    US Employers Guide to Hiring International Students


 DACA & Undocumented Immigrants

On-Campus Resources & Student Orgs
Office of International Education

Pittsburgh-based Resources Students Use
Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

National Resources our Students Use
Undocumented Students College Guide
Immigrants Rising
My Undocumented Life

First Generation Students

Carnegie Mellon-Student/Alumni Organizations
Tartan Scholars


Fun Facts

“First generation students at Carnegie Mellon are trailblazers. They are ready to collaborate across disciplines, solve critical societal challenges, and thus impact the world in unimaginable ways.” 

The FIRST Together group at CMU is eager to interact with employers. Please contact Bianca DeJesus or Zoë Levin for further information.

CMU FIRST Together video!