Morewood Gardens
Morewood Gardens is home to more than 450 residents of all academic years. The suite-style rooms have newly renovated suite bathrooms and air conditioning. Morewood Gardens provides an extensive list of amenities including Stack'd Underground dining location, makerspaces, a computer lab, community kitchen, fitness space, and music rooms.
Check out a Morewood Gardens semi-suite double and some common spaces.
Morewood Gardens Room Tours
Video tours of rooms represent the furniture and room layout at the time of filming. Actual furniture, layout, and configurations may have changed since the video was created.
Floors 1-6Room tours represent the layout of the same room on each floor.
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Triple (Rooms x01)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Single/Double (Rooms x02, x04)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Single (Rooms x03)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x05, x07)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Triple/Double (Rooms x06, x08)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x09)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Singles (Rooms x10, x12)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x11, x13)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Triple (Rooms x14)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x15)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x17, x19)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x18)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x20, x22)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x21, x23)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x24, x26)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x25)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x27, x29)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x28)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double/Single (Rooms x31, x33)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x32)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Single (Rooms x34)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Singles (Rooms x35, x37)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Doubles (Rooms x36, x38)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double/Triple (Rooms x39, x41)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Triple (Rooms x40)
- Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double (Rooms x42)
Room tours are specific to the room number listed.
- Morewood Gardens 701 (Semi-Suite Double)
- Morewood Gardens 703 & 705 (Semi-Suite Doubles)
- Morewood Gardens 704 (Semi-Suite Double)
- Morewood Gardens 706 & 708 (Semi-Suite Doubles)
- Morewood Gardens 707 (Semi-Suite Double)
- Morewood Gardens 709 & 711 (Semi-Suite Double/Single)
- Morewood Gardens 710 (Semi-Suite Triple)
- Morewood Gardens 712 & 714 (Semi-Suite Doubles)
- Morewood Gardens 713 & 715 (Semi-Suites)
- Morewood Gardens 716 (Semi-Suite Double)
- Morewood Gardens 717 (Semi-Suite Double)
- Morewood Gardens 719 & 721 (Semi-Suite Doubles)
- Morewood Gardens 720 & 722 (Semi-Suite Singles)
- Morewood Gardens 723 & 724 (Semi-Suite Double/Single)
Morewood Gardens Floor Plans
Floor plans are representative. Room measurements are estimates. Actual sizes and individual
Morewood Gardens Color = Yellow
![student wearing yellow during housewars](../photo-grid-images/mascots/e-tower-min.jpg)
Morewood Gardens Symbol = Sunflower
Morewood Gardens Images
Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Single
Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.
Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Double
Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.
Morewood Gardens Semi-Suite Triple
Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.
Morewood Gardens Bathroom
Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.
Morewood Gardens Community Kitchen
Morewood Gardens Community Lounge
Morewood Gardens Staff
Student Staff
Community Advisor (CA)
Resident Assistants (RAs)
Carissa Chou
Claire Jin
Sydney Prescott
Ryan Tian